I can't believe I am a mother of a high school graduate. Today marks another milestone. My beautiful daughter Tereya graduated from Cobble Hill School of American Studies and will be attending Brooklyn College in the Fall. She stumbled a long the way, but she never let it deter her. She worked harder and stayed focused on her goals. Tereya is a very smart, optimistic, caring and occasionally sweet young lady. She is one of two of the best things that has ever happened to me. I am very proud of her. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her. I was in such disbelief. I continued to ask the doctor "are you sure"? He replied, "Yes, I am sure. You are part of the 1 percent population. This baby was meant to be here". He was right. She was meant to be here. I thank God everyday for choosing me to be her mother. She (and her sister) changed my life for the better. I recall her first day of her educational journey. It was her first day at Kid