Happy Sunday. I am up and getting ready for church. I have been going through a storm for a while. Nonetheless, I still smile. I will not complain. I will remain to myself and fight the good fight. I know at the end of the day God will sustain me while I am in the in between time. I have also had an internal battle and yesterday at Emmanuel Baptist Church, I was reminded "There is no room for joy and happiness if you carry around bitterness, anger, hatred and negativity". I am not bitter. Nor do I have hatred for anyone. I do have a strong dislike for certain people. However, I'll be the first to say that I am angry about a few things and disappointed with a few people. I will also say that I have a very hard time trusting people. I am disappointed with a few of my family members. I am disappointed with myself because I expect family and friends to react to or do things the way I would react to or do things. I put feelings my personal feelings aside and rise to the occ