Press Release Brooklyn United (BU) is one of Brooklyn’s most effective Music and Arts Programs . It is a program that offers a creative and safe space for minority inner-city youth. Throughout the years, the program has operated out of churches and other dance studios. During their time at these establishments, BU has been, and continues to be, an inspiration to all who have had a face-to- face encounter or have seen them perform. Residing in New York city, the youth face several challenges and dangers. We all know that an idle mind and too much (unsupervised) free time can change the trajectory of their lives. Brooklyn United has provided an alternative to spending so much time unsupervised. While operating out of the establishments previously mentioned, Brooklyn United has been able to offer an afterschool program, Saturday program, programming during school b reaks, Summer camp and more for inner-city youth. During the school year, Brooklyn United offers homework assistance to yo