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Liar Liar Book Review

Liar, Liar by Latrese Carter is consumed with secrets, lies, deceit, disrespect and infidelity. Childhood friends Stormy Knight and Camden Brooks paths crossed again when Camden decided to move from New York City back to his hometown. Camden Brooks came from a very good home. His father (Reverend Brooks) and mother were Pastor and First Lady of a well know church. As a result of this, Camden was labeled a church kid and everyone expected him to live and behave in a certain manner. Eventually, Camden could no longer live with the pressure of being the son of a pastor. So when it was time for him to apply to college he decided he would go to school out of state. This would allow him to reveal who he "really"was.

As time passed they began to date and their relationship was going very well. At least this is what Stormy believed until a secret is revealed to her that will change her life forever. She had no idea that she was being used in what Camden thought was a great scheme. Eventually, Camden asked Stormy to marry him and she happily accepted his proposal. A few months passed and stormy began to prepare for her wedding. One day she received a call from her cousin who informed her that Camden was cheating on her. Not only was he cheating on her, he was cheating on her with another man. A man that they both knew very well from their church. As expected, Stormy was in shock and denial. She did not want to believe her fiance was cheating on her. She definitely did not want to believe he was cheating on her with another man. Stormy confronted Camden and of course  he lied. It is not until she requests a meeting with his father Reverend Brooks that the truth is revealed. As a result, Reverend Brooks states he will not perform the wedding ceremony because his son unsuitable for marriage.

Time passes and Reverend Brooks informs Stormy that Camden has been delivered. He is no longer attracted to men. Stormy believed him and decided to give Camden a second. They started dating again and then she married him. A few months into their marriage Camden realized he made a mistake marrying Stormy. Camden was back to his old habits. Just like an addict he resumed his homosexual relationship with the same church member. If that is not enough, a blast from his past is determined to ruin and possible end his life.
via Best Quotes
 Camden did not care about anyone but himself. He did not think about how his actions would affect everyone in his life. He did not care who was hurt as long as he received what he wanted that was all that mattered. Stormy doubted Camden was a changed man. Nonetheless, she married him anyway.  As I read this book, I could not understand why Stormy did not trust her instincts. I asked myself why would she marry Camden knowing he lied about who he was and his lifestyle? Why was she willing to settle? What else would she have to endure for her to realize her worth? When was she going to walk away? As I came to the end of the book, I was also asking myself the very same questions. I was forced to reflect on and examine my very own friendships and relationship.

As women, we have to want the best for us. We need to learn when to walk away from relationships and situations that are not good for us. We have to remind ourselves of our worth. We deserve to be loved and treated with respect. We have to to stop settling for less that what we deserve. We are worth the effort. Read the book if you want to find out how the story ended?

“Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for.”---Mandy Hale


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