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Starting The New School Year

It is hard to believe that it is that time of year again. Where did the time go. It seems like the 2014-2015 school year just ended. Naturally, some of you may be excited for your children to return to school and some are not. Regardless, of which category you fall in we cannot avoid the inevitable. As the first day of school approached, my girls experienced every emotion possible.
They were excited about who their teachers were and if they would have classes with any of their friends. On the other hand, they despised the fact that Summer rapidly coming to an end. I felt the same way. The Summer went by so fast. I am the parent who was not ready for the school year to start. Unfortunately, the 2015-2016 school year has began and we have to get back into the swing of things.

Tereya is a senior in high school and is she is already stressing out. Let me remind you, school has only been in session for three days. The one advantage is she does not have that many classes. However, she is involved in several activities in and outside of school. Nyasia is in her second year of junior high school. She is currently in the sixth grade. Her school year began in August and has been in session for almost a month. She also has a full schedule including her after school activities.

Below are a few tips I suggest and encourage my girls to do during this school year. 
  • I encourage my girls to keep God first in all areas of their life. 
  • I encourage them to ask questions and participate in class discussions. 
  • I strongly suggest they do not leave class if they do not have a clear understanding of the lesson.
  • I encourage then to utilize their planners or calendars to remember important dates.                   (I keep track of the dates, but I want them to learn to keep up with the dates as well).
  • I strongly suggest they ask tutoring or help with difficult subjects.
  • Do not wait until you are failing to ask me for assistance. Please do so the moment you realize you are having problems in the subject.
  • Start projects early rather than later.
  • Set your academic goals for this school year.
  • Stay FOCUSED.
  • Study
  • Breath and take a break in between long homework assignments. 
  • Relax (but not too much lol)
Every school year my girls do very well. I could not be more proud of them. This year is no different. I have explained to them the importance of prioritizing their schedule and task list. Their priorities must be completed and done correctly before they can have any down time. They know what I expect from them and I will accept anything less. OUR goal is to have another very positive and productive school year. I have been told that I put to much pressure on them. I disagree. I only want what is best for them. I am well aware of the academic and social demands my girls and all children face on a daily basis. Like most parents, I care about their entire being as well as their future. Staying focused, hard work, getting their education, setting goals, and achieving those goals is the only way they will have the career and lifestyle they want for themselves. I will continue to encourage, support and give a little push alone the way.


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