Today is one of those days where I do not want to be the responsible parent. Today is one of those days where I wish I was the parent that only thought of themselves. Unfortunately, that's not who I am. Today is one of those days that I wish I was the parent that only visited on the weekend and does not have the responsibility of being hands on 24/7/365/366 if it's a leap year.
Today I am beyond annoyed. Today I am frustrated. Today I am tired. I am tired of bringing things to school or practice when it is not packed in the bags the night before. I am tired of replacing things I just bought because she lost them. I am tired of getting up early to ensure she leaves for school on time. I am tired of getting home late because she has practice every freaking day. I am so tired that I cannot even fall asleep because my mind is constantly updating my planner and thinking of what I need to do next.
I am tired of being there for everyone. I have no one there for me when I need them. Although it had been said, "I am here for you if you need me for anything". I am tired of hearing that phrase. Please do not say this to me if you know you do not mean it, are not available or unable to assist me in any way. I am tired of friends and family who only call me when they want something, need something or want me to attend their events. I am tired of people asking me for money as if I am not a single parent who has bill's to pay and a ton of other financial responsibilities.
Today I am tired of feeling tired. As always, today I will push through it all, go on with my day, smile and do it over again tomorrow.
Have you even been tired?
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