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Addiction: Slave To Drugs

Every day, I see a man or woman who is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. Have you ever thought about what that person's life was like prior to being addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? So many times I often wonder what went wrong in their lives that caused them to turn to drugs and/or alcohol as a way to cope with life. Did they lose a their job? Did they lose a parent, a child or a spouse? They probably faced the same struggles we face on a daily basis. The difference is we were a little stronger to endure the storm. Maybe we had someone to hold our hand as we faced our problems. Perhaps someone to pray for us.

Substance Addictions
via alcoholism-and-drug-addiction-help
Every morning, for almost two years I saw the same woman who was addicted to drugs. January 7, 2013 will forever stay in my mind because thats the day, I noticed she was pregnant. My heart felt for the unborn baby who would be born addicted to drugs. Months went by I saw her a few times, but she was not pregnant and she did not look high. I could not help but wonder what happened to the baby. Did she carry the baby to term? Did someone adopt the baby? The last time I saw this women, she was dazed and high as a kite. It was that day that I decided to write a poem through the eyes of a drug addict on the road to recovery. The name of the poem is called:

Slave To Drugs

My life with you has come to an end
On you narcotic I will no longer depend
You came into my life when I could no longer cope
After getting to know you, you gave me hope
Back then I was distracted from my problems, you were my decoy
Not once did I think about all that you would destroy
No one understood then and today they still don't understand
No one to reach out to, no one to lend a helping hand
You stole my childrens childhood, they paid the ultimate price
I understand the heartache and I want to end my life
The only way for me to do this is to overdose
So I consumed so many drugs that I laid there comatose.
But that was then, this is now
I changed my life, I'll tell you how
Now that I am sober, I think about the way drugs made me feel
I can't believe that was my life, it was so unreal
A nurse asked me what I wanted for myself and I replied to be free
Then she dropped on her knees and proceeded to pray for me
She said God is not done with you yet, you have much to achieve
God is here to help you all you have to do is believe
It was then I knew I had to get my life on track
When everyone left me God continued to have my back

Behavioral Addictions
via Dr. Sharma
Merriam dictionary describes addiction as a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something. If you are dependent on a substance and cannot control what you do, say, ingest, etc then you are addicted. Addiction does not only apply to substance. It can also refer to behavioral addiction. We are all addicted to something be it food, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, video games, shopping, gambling etc. You may be thinking, I am not addicted; it's just a habit. Well, our habits can become addictions and affect our lives tremendously. 

 via Tragically Flawed

So tell me, what are you addicted to?


  1. At that point keep on being a wellspring of support and responsibility post-treatment, when drug yearnings and triggers increase the backslide hazard. Bennett firmly suggests instituting a family recuperation contract when a friend or family member returns home from treatment or calm living. If you want to know more, Please check out here:


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