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Nyasia's Summer Assignment

This Thursday marks three weeks since NYC public schools have been dismissed for Summer vacation. In my previous post Twerk A Book....Make Them Pages Clap I stated a few reasons why it is important for our children to read during the Summer. I also posted links to a few Summer Reading Programs that offer incentives. I know reading is one of many important skills my daughters will learn and use throughout their life. It is imperative that my daughters retain all they learned during the school year. So, it is important that they read and practice their math skills every day.

Nyasia was given a Summer break assignment that consists of a math and a reading assignment. The reading assignment consists of a book of her choice and the required book Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blum. She also has to write a book report for both books. As of to day, she has began reading her second book for this Summer. The title of the book is Judy Moody and The Not So Bummer Summer. She will also use the second book to complete her second book report. Her assignments are due on the first day of school. In addition, she has vowed to read 2 extra books this Summer.

Tereya is in high school and she did not receive a Summer assignment. She has not provided me her book list. However, she is still required to read something whether it's a book, magazine, or news paper.

How is your children's Summer assignment coming along?


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