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Hazardous To Your Health

Courtesy of The Oz Blog

Vegetables are provide so many benefits to our well being. They provide us the necessary vitamins which our bodies need to thrive. The calorie intake is super low which means it would be difficult to gain weight. The food we is very beneficial to our well being. However there is a downfall. You should not consume certain food items .The food and beverages we consume while taking prescription medication can be hazardous to our health. It can also affect the method in which our medication is suppose to work. This is called a Food and Drug Interaction. This interaction can negatively affect your current side effects and create new side effects. There are several individuals who ingest prescription and over the counter (OTC-medications bought without a prescription) are not aware of the consequences of consuming food and medication together or within hours of each other.

I have worked in the clinical and administrative areas of health field all of my adult life. As a result, I am aware there are several factors that can affect how your medications work. Some of the common factors that can affect how your medications work are your age, weight, gender, current medical condition, current prescribed medications & dosage, OTC medications such as vitamins, dietary supplements, antacids, consumption of drugs, alcohol, food and most importantly lack of education.

Did you know you should not consume broccoli, chard, or dark leafy greens if you have been prescribed a blood thinner? Blood thinners help reduce or prevent blood clots from forming. You should not consume those specific food items because they act as coagulants meaning they form blood clots. Did you know you should also refrain from consuming licorice while taking medications for cardiac ailments such as irregular heart, congestive heart failure (CHF), etc.

During my lunch hour, I decided to scroll through Oprah's website. I came across an article written by Dr. Oz. The name of the article was Dr. Oz 5 Dangerous Food and Medication Combinations. This article was very informative. Somethings I knew and somethings I did not know. In the article Dr. Oz discuss reasons why we should not eat or drink grapefruit before or after taking medication to lower your cholesterol. we all know walnuts are high in fiber, but according to the article we should not eat them if we are on medication to treat a thyroid condition. Click the link above to read the article. If you are taking medications, if you are a caretaker of a friend or family member and have to give or assist with giving medications, it is your duty to know all there is to know about that medication. During your doctors visit, speak up. Inform your Primary Care Physician (PCP) of any diets you have started, previous medical conditions, as well as, all medications you are currently taking prior to him/her prescribing new medications. Ask questions, if you don't ask you will never know. If you have someone with you at the visit have that person ask the questions. Educate yourself about the medication. Most physicians provide you information about the medication before you leave the office. If your physician does not do this, you can always ask the pharmacists.

There are more than a few ways to take responsibility of yourself and your health. This will prevent additional problems. What have you done or will you do to take responsibility of your health?

Please be advised I am not a physician. If you have any health care concerns you should consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional.


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